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  • Meow?

    Well, yeah. That's the name of the cat doesn't really mean he acts like RealShawn >:
    (But Mufasa diiiiiiiiied D:

    ..yeah no. What's weird is I rarely cry when people die in real life, so I'm apprently a heartless bastard >:|)
    ...Meowmoewmoewmoew? O.O

    Uh, actually, Lassie...Shawn's the name of his...dad, so.

    (i actually did start bawling-yeaaaaah I have no backbone, we've-we've established that D:)
    Meww...*lets go*
    Cats do that x3

    (It kinda did. See, that man's wife died, and Monk saw it as Trudy's case. He even cried and Monk crying is....DDD8)
    Mewl! :D *nomnomnmnmnomtie*

    (I know aaaaaaaaaaaaaa four wheeler Lassie.

    Jazz Hands oh my. I-I was thinking the same thing. 8D

    On another note, I also saw the Monk ep.

    It was saaaaaaaaaaaaaaad D:)
    *mew* ^w^

    *starts batting at Lassie's tie*

    *waaaaaaaaaaaay out of earshot* This is adorible :3

    (But I can't fit in small thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings.)
    Mew! :3
    :DDD Meow!

    (Actually, it's a little magnetra shirt with a school logo, and a pair of very comfortable khaki pans. So Yeah...

    And I'm taller then my mom whut x3 But anywhere between 5'6 and 5'9 really, I haven't...been,,,measured in a year or more >:)
    *puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurr* ^^
    *runs over to the lion and imagines him like a brother or something* :DDDDDDDD
    (I've been mistaken for a hobo D: I shouldn't wear my worn in gloves or overcoat anymore ;;

    Some person: Hey, this is a school! I understand you're homeless and all bu-

    Me: ? *stands up*

    Him: D: Dun hurt me-

    Me: *opens jacket, reveling UNIFORM* ... -.-

    Him: DDD: O-Oh... *goes away*

    Janitors are weiiiiird >: Or I'm...actually as tall as an adult. 5'9.)

    (I ake up at...five when school comes. I'm out by 6:30, and school's five minutes away. So I go to the park for 10 minutes x3. And then it's...7:10 or something.

    ...school starts at eight-thirty. I even bring tea in a coffee cup, sit on the steps, and polish that off before anyone comes. it's fun~)
    :D *onmnomnmonmon*

    *purrs and rolls over like a gant kitten asking for a belly rub*

    (...still in bed actually xDD AW SHADDUP I CAN NOW BECAUSE I HAVE A LAPTOPand y'know, I'm awake and stuff.)
    No. Just look at that grin.
    >:3 I smelled fish.
    Oh, then he..won't...*looks down at self*
    Wait, I'm kind of..a shellfish...

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-*runs off to get Magikarp*

    (Tea |D And I actually slept~)
    *various people* JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR *they run PAST Lassie's car for a reason*


    (8DDDDD eeeeeeeeeeee~

    Also, I have one statement:

    Life is not..sucking right now |D;)
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