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  • what... there's only one cute guy I hate... fermat's last theorem guy is my worst enemy he's not cute haha. I didn't know you'd still be awake but I'll be there in a minute :o

    Cirrus Katie's so ~normal~ she doesn't even appreciate terrible jokes... I told her this math joke our test TA told us that one of his students made up in tutorial (I don't know if you'll get it but you can tell opal if you want: where do mathematicians cook their steaks? in teh grill. [say it out loud]) anyway she was just like "uhhh really... well I can make jokes like that too... where do pencils come from?" "where?" "pencilvania." and then I burst out laughing and she was like "are you like actually serious" only not in those words because I translated that into eif-language. omg... now I really urgently need to know if kind of cute guy who I maybe don't hate appreciates bad jokes... if he doesn't I can go back to peacefully hating him.
    right my inventory is full of battledome junk... I'll clear it out... omg that's really sad. what game is it.
    I ran out of Lu Codestones and now the training school is demanding ANOTHER one for Vel... sorry Vel there is no way this is coming out of my own pocket. you are going to fight in the battledome for me until you reach the item limit everyday until you can finance your own education. >:(
    I'm going to make a post in the dangaroo fan club and you're not going to get to read it until you wake up!
    omg what was the spoiler TELL ME (did you like my spoiler btw) also get on IRC... I'm still ill... today is my first day missing class EVER since coming to uni ugh I'm angry
    omg... infraction for too much greatness... thanks for the rep omg I like your rep message. did you delete your tumblrs to avoid getting spoiled. who's going to be the only one to like my posts now ;;
    I wasn't trading him I was adopting him out! who would trade for Absurdism... I wouldn't... also of course I always want to talk about dangaroo. but you should get caught up first. omg a new update came out yesterday... wave of exquisite happiness... omg it was such a good update too I love the trial videos ;; omg and then... it ended. :(
    omg... I found somebody who thinks Absurdism is great so I'm pound-transferring him to them in a few minutes. this is great.
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