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  • Was I trying to keep it hidden from you? ┐('~';)┌

    Eh, doesn't matter. I've mentioned my location a few times before in other conversations.
    First I'll let Nottie figure it out (but if she ever finds the question. XD). And don't worry about it, this level of math is in the higher grades (actually, I'm not sure what you kids learn there in the States; according to my sources, Québec's education system is behind everyone else's system).
    x is a variable, it can be any real number. :3
    Also, f(x) = ax + b is the same as saying y = ax + b. All I did was show the equation of the transformed linear function and asked Nottie to tell me what degree it was.
    Well, I gotta get to studying now; I only have today to review all my notes since I didn't do it this whole week (yeah, I procrastinate, and I don't need to tell you this but don't procrastinate). =P

    Talk to later, Minky! ;D
    I know that, but keep it in mind for future reference in case you turn 13. ;D
    Well, at least you're honest about it. But there are good times to lie about your age, such as in restaurants where kids under the age of 12 have a reduced priced or babies get to eat in for free! (My sister and baby cousin got away with that gimmick for 3 years straight! XD)
    Oh. D8
    ...Well, you could always lie about your age, but then you'd be a little liar, liar with her pants on fire.
    Like this math notebook I'm holding in my hand which you can't even see? *Le GASP*

    ...Do you have a deviantArt accout? :3
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