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  • Yeah, and for a reason CB

    that's how it goes P:
    you'll be hopelessly addicted in no time

    Phoenix is the main character in the first three games, the spiky-haired guy in the blue suit P:

    you really can present stuff during the trials either with the buttons/touchscreen or yelling 'objection' in the mic (I think you had to hold Y or something) P:
    Be careful. Charmeleons tend to have claws, flames, and a horn. And Charcoal is bipolar.
    Remember to check the order of the games so that you don't accidentally play the third game before the second or something (Ace Attorney --> Justice For All --> Trials & Tribulations, plus Apollo Justice and AA Investigations) P: I was a bit confused with the names when I was planning on playing them.

    Well, I don't think I can explain it any better than some Wikipedia article P:
    Basically, you're a lawyer and you gotta defend your clients, cross-examine and investigate and all that jazz (though in AAI you focus mostly on the investigating part) :D A lot of reading and logical thinking and stuff is required, though the story is very engagin even with a walkthrough.

    I am BAD at explaining thing in a way that makes sense btw

    oh, and you get to shout OBJECTION!
    Yeah I'd guess Gamestop probably has some, most likely second-hand and thus cheaper P:
    AA is one series that really deserves all the hype it's getting :D
    Dunno. If you're thinking of actually buying the games, I'm not sure. Probably some nearby game stores or whatever that sell DS games.
    If you're thinking of emulators/roms, I'm pretty sure I could assist you via PM P:
    Yes he is C: You should play ALL the Ace Attorneys if you haven't yet :U
    they're just amazing


    <3 (It's okay, I actually left to go watch Gilmore Girls and forgot to tell you so b0w0;)
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