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    I'm trying to be careful not to piss anyone off (yet), seeing as I'm relatively new here. When I've been here long enough I can be an ass without getting into trouble :3
    (you shoulda seen me on Sheezyart when I still went there, I sometimes got a bit carried away with kids who couldn't take critique :U)
    yeah ur exactly like me. i go crazy all the time cuz im hyper, but i just cant act mature. as i grow older, ill become more mature, but unttill then, i just be who i am and how i naturally act. =33
    yeah, but iz have 20... >< i mean, i get the first one(lots of color codes), but, not being seriuos, i cant be seriuos. its just how i am and no one can change that.
    i keep posting random pics on ur profile for no good reason whatsoever. xD
    Guess what! on What are you reading?, i said," the computer screen. =3" and not to long after, the Mod sent me a PM for 10-infaction points. DX
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