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  • H
    It's okay. I'm just having a very bad, sad, depressing month...
    What do you mean? My sister dying or my best friend dying? :P Either way, I'm fine. At this point I'm kinda like a zombie. Thanks for caring :)
    More than has ever existed >:D

    But it's hard to play any when I'm using my powers to keep demons sealed in the underworld :/
    Why do you ask, son?
    Uh, not really. I have a lot of favorite tunes and songs and it really just depends on mood. I can play the Sky Tower music from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, though, and that's pretty terrific.
    To what extent? By really speak very well my count is two (Dutch and English) but if you also count languages I semi-speak or can read or whatever it's about six (it's not an exact number, because for some languages it means I can also read related materials without necessarily being able to speak them).

    For example, I have some knowledge of Swedish, which means I can read and understand a fair amount of Norwegian (and Danish somewhat less), but if I want to speak Norwegian, then I have to actually speak Norwegian (now I would adapt my Swedish to sound "more Norwegian", which is not the same thing). Now my Swedish is far from perfect, so it's actually not a good example (if you ask a Swedish native speaker they will obviously get a lot more from it than I do).

    But if you mean languages I will speak off-the-cuff, with mistakes, then I will say six is the answer (Dutch, English, German, French, Russian, and Swedish). If someone writes to me in any of these languages I will respond in the same language.

    (By the way, the title translates to "doubt" in English.)
    It's not as much a poem as it is a verse from a song by Lars Winnerbäck called "Tvivel". Did you use GT to figure it out, or do you speak Swedish? In the latter case I don't have to translate the title :)

    And it is lovely, but it is less lovely that I know the feeling he describes.
    Not yet - another friend sent me about thirty links to things and I want to get through this Twilight sporking first before I move on. Thank you, though!

    And that's what hurts the most.

    He was hurt, of course. Extremely so. But he moved on a lot quicker and he's doing a better job of getting over it than I am. I feel so alone.
    That's not nice :( *shot*

    no we were having little arguments that seemed to be escalating some so i thought it might be better for both of us if we stopped having those pressures to make everything work. i wanted to at least keep us on good terms so i didn't want to continue the relationship and get to the point where we hate each other and then what?
    but now i'm not sure it was the best idea and he doesn't want to try again
    (at least not for a long while) :(
    Well this morning i was all depressed but now i'm playing white 2 and making movies at pokéstar studios and texting stupid observations about them to him xD
    (we're still friends but that doesn't mean i don't hurt desperately over knowing we don't have the sentimental value anymore)
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