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  • I think we should pour it on squirrels to make awesome fighting monsters and join forces to conquer the universe.
    You're not meant to get it, I don't think. It's just meant to waste the time of, and annoy, whoever is being told it.
    You should, we're arseholes.

    Anyway, a man goes to buy a camel at a market. So he buys the camel, takes it home and puts it in the garage. But when he gets up in the morning the camel's leg is missing!

    So he goes back to the market and buys another camel, takes it home and puts it in his garage. But, when he wakes up, he finds THAT camel's leg is missing as well!

    So the NEXT day he goes back to the market a third time and buys ANOTHER camel. He takes it home, puts it in the garage, and when he wakes up THAT camel's leg is missing!

    So, he goes through the wardrobe into Narnia and sees a lemon sitting on a pile of camel's legs. So he says, "did you steal my camels' legs?" to which the lemon replies, "no!".

    So anyway there are these two old Welsh men- let's call them Daffyd and Rhys. Anyway, Rhys is like dying and stuff, and every day Daffyd sits by his bed with him. Anyway one day Daffyd says "Rhys, when you go, can you somehow tell me if there's rugby in heaven?" and Rhys says "OK Daffyd". Next day Rhys dies, and that night, Daffyd hears Rhys' voice. "Well Daffyd, I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is there is rugby in heaven; everyone's here, and it's summer all the time, and it's never too hot or cold and we can play rugby all the time. The bad news is you're in the team for Tuesday".

    That kinda seemed less and less funny as I typed it, but oh well.

    And OK. But I heard a joke about some Welsh people today. And it's not particularly offensive.
    Because I don't like her in a marrying sort of way.

    And in that case maybe you should talk to me in Welsh.
    How exactly can we marry ourselves?

    Anyway, awesome surname or not, I don't want to marry Flora.
    And wears boots.

    Maybe I should incestuously marry Flora. Then half her cat-based fortune shall be mine! And we can have our names hyphenated to Mike and Flora the Foxhog-and Ashes.
    Actually it seems she did stop. So I changed it to "So do I.".

    And I know, I was the one who discovered that he can.
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