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  • That'd be the admin.

    I hear he once stepped on a Speak-Your-Weight machine and it said "one at a time please".
    3) Fair enough.
    4) Fair enough.
    5) For the sake of the poor little Meowths. There isn't a creature on this planet that deserves such horrors as doing it with me.
    1) Fair point.
    2) Fair point.
    3) I'm fairly sure she's not made of ashes. Though you could hook up hith her instead if you want, I dunno.
    4) This contradicts 2), there's no point doing both. Unless you want a threesome.
    5) Can't you prevent me from ever doing a Meowth anyway? I like them too much to ever put them through that.
    Oh yeah, I was forgetting necrophilia.

    Well, she might catch fire and burn to ashes. You can't screw ashes, Murkrow.
    But then it has been said that "marrying for sex is like buying a Boeing 747 for the free peanuts".
    I never said that. I was just a tad smitten with him.

    But it was just lust, Murkrow, not love. You're the only crazy Welsh guy for me. *ignores the fact that Castform is in no way Welsh*
    Yes. I think the aloneness aids the transformation.

    You can take MY ring to some other cave though.
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