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  • Alternatively, YOU are a Smurf. One named Rasrap. Furthermore, the ONLY one named Rasrap!

    Well, witness? Do you deny it?!
    *Murkrow goes

    And I know you /said/ "o hai", but I can't seem to find the comment box on your channel.
    Meh. An average day.
    Awesome :sunglasses:
    So how was your day? By day I mean the time since you started being awake.
    Meh. It depends. I use Mistah_Sexyback (I'm an idiot, don't ask.) when signing up for things I probably won't use for very long or to prank my friends, and a personal username for stuff like email, etc.
    You can call it:
    a) A spark of genius
    b) Insanity
    c) Weirdness
    d) Randomness.
    I had never thought about using an emoticon as a username until I made o_O.
    Murkrow as an emoticon? Ionno.
    Anyways did you choose Murkrow as a username because you like the Pokemon, or what?
    I remember when you stayed up until like 4 that one time to stop us....
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