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  • I think he might. And he did once kill a spider.

    :O Harry killed Harry! *creepy music*

    No, he just doesn't like being picked up.

    Either that or he's afraid about being accused of fish killing. :D
    My dog did. She was pretty close to being put to sleep, though. She died in the car.

    On a happier note...say hi, Harry!

    Harry: *runs*

    Okay then...

    Other than Ron, none of our cats died naturally. We had to put them to sleep. (We once had to get up at 11:00 at night to do so. God, I was so tired.)
    Yeah, it is. You're definitely never bored.

    Let's see...

    Bunny meows NON-STOP, Hugs used to worship my dog as if she was God and give her gifts which were actually stuffed animals until she died and then Hugs was looking for her, stuffed animal in mouth, Harry is a computer chair hog, and Hermione is never found.

    And then we have the cats that went up there. *points up*

    I didn't know Casey cause he died before I was born, Tammy was grouchy yet adorable, Minnie was shy-like Hermione!-, Corey liked to eat toilet paper and steal our food, and Peabird was sweet and actually managed to crash into our bunk beds at one point.

    ...Yeah I had a lot of cats. My mom worked for a vet until a few years ago, so we had a looooooooot of cats. :D

    Oh, yeah, and Harry is sometimes called Fluffy Butt cause he's so fluffy and adorable.


    We gave Harry and Hermione strange nicknames.

    Harry went to Barry and then to Barr and then to B. Yes, B. O_o

    Hermione became Mi-mi (which is pronounced MY my, by the way), then "Eener" and "Meener." O_o
    Then your fish killed my kitten!

    ...Course, he wasn't mine at that point, and if he lived we wouldn't have Harry and Hermione, but oh well.

    Once Harry got sick and Hermione went all "I be social nao."

    It was weird.
    Mine are kitties. :D

    Hermione's anti-social and Harry's just plain fluffy. :D
    Well, Ron's up there. *points up*

    Harry and Hermione are fine though. :D
    Nope, they were always like that. Have a stroke :3

    Anyway, I would never disobey King Fume. He only puts cotton wool in your ears so you won't hear yourself scream while he gouges your eyes out. And he does THAT so you won't see the bleeding while he peels your skin off. And he peels your skin off so that...

    You get the general idea.
    King Fume is king of all fumes and toxic gases. It is his duty to ensure that everyone is breathing enough toxic fumes. If he finds that somebody isn't inhaling enough, he...



    puts cotton wool in their ears.
    More toxic fumes on the way = more fun on the way.

    More toxic fumes in Moscow = more fun in Moscow.

    . .

    If we have lots of toxic fumes on the way AND when we're there, the total enjoyment will increase.
    Of course there are toxic fumes. What would a jouney to Moscow on a space hopper be without toxic fumes?
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