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  • We will now return to the scheduled programming: Mike and Murkrow talk endlessly about bullshit.
    Alright, thanks :D I'll try and get them sorted tomorrow, or failing that in a few years when I get round to it.
    Well, you would, but not as big and nice a Thank You. It'd be like "Murkrow helped out a bit", rather than "Murkrow came along and smacked Mike in the face for being too crap to perform this deed and single handedly fixed it for him like the mighty god of a man he is, bow down and wish for the day you will be worthy to lick faeces from his shoes".
    Either suits me. If it'd be easier you could just tell me what I need to do, but then you won't get mentioned in the Thank Yous list.
    Well, more like extracts from panels really, just showing various events and maybe having a few words on them.

    And if you could help that'd be great :D
    A gif sort of thing. I was thinking about maybe making an animated banner for Oddity but I've no idea how to go about making it move. I just wanted maybe half a dozen or so Oddity panels made so it kind of cycles through them.

    By the way, on a serious note (wow that's a first) do you know how to take a load of pictures and make them so they're all movey, by any chance?
    In this context W would be a consonant. Y also may be.
    Is it true Welsh scrabble has DD and LL tiles and no K or X?
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