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  • I'd just quote the post and put "you forgot to change my balance, sort your life out bank staff".

    Only not in so many words.
    I know, I saw :/
    Maybe they just forgot to change your total or something. (You also don't appear to have approval links for your Pokémon in your profile, with which there could be problems.)
    Really? You still have $45, so you don't seem to have even bought a team o.o

    I didn't get to trick or treat either D< But I did dress up as the Janitor and carve a pumpkin with a "=3" face~
    Well I notice you made an ASB bank account and don't seem to have used it yet... :D

    Also how was Halloween?
    I heard the lab map's really not worth it because it works out way more expensive than PBs :/ And there's the risk of your pet melting or whatever.
    Not with that attitude :D
    Keep at it, I'm sure you will. (Especially if I send you loads of expensive stuff and you sell it *shot*)
    Not really. I just buy and sell things over and over to make huge amounts of cash I don't need :D

    Might get some PBs to use when I'm really, REALLY rich.
    Doubt it involves that though. :/

    Well I bought a collectable card for 90k that resells at 200k >:D And I have a million neopoints in the bank ^^
    No idea whatsoever. But i do have an image in my head of building huge fighting robots and making them battle.

    (We are Neofriends now :o Geek hi-five!!!)
    Oh, I see. I thought you meant you had to "wait another year" as in do everything again ^^

    The University of Wolverhampton has a course called "Mechatronics". Is it just me, or is that the most awesome sounding subject ever?
    Aw D: Well I hope you do better this year. ^^

    So are you just retaking everything but Photography, now?

    A guy in my sixth form failed two subjects and still got into A2 somehow. And he's REALLY irritating as well. Luckily I'm better at avoiding him now.
    *beats them away with his University of Gloucestershire prospectus*

    See, I'm getting uni stuff sorted, I really have been productive :o
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