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Not Meowth
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  • I noticed.

    My usertitle has nothing to do with hot pants anymore. (or, as you put it, "Erotic underwear")
    You can still make innuendos, just don't make them too off topic and obscene.

    Also don't post nothing but innuendos for ten posts running, it gets boring.
    No, because with no truce, we wouldn't be able to decide when either of us should be punished.
    How about I write it, you read through it and point out any matters you don't agree upon, I'll change it to that is suits both our needs. When we both agree upon a revision that holds an equal amount of advantages and disadvantages for both parties, then put them in two separate posts made by each of us as detailed in the last message. If ever you disagree with me in the future, we can look at the truce's opinions. If it is needed, we may change what is written, either by editing what is already there, removing or adding text. But only in the case that both of us agree on the change.
    You know what we should do?

    We should re-write the entire truce together, and both save copies in posts near each other for quick reference. We both have posts containing it so that, if one of us were to edit it, the other would be able to tell. The only way either of us would be able to change it would be if we both changed it to the same thing at the same time. In which case, we'd agree and there wouldn't be any problem.

    You mean planning something for a long time with time travel and foresight only to influence what you say to prove my abilities?

    I'm pretty sure the truce doesn't go in that deep.
    Yeah, see I knew you'd shoot me.

    You already have, that's why I needed to pretend I was dead for a few days.
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