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  • And all this time you were worrying about that...
    Little did you know that you were concentrating on the wrong thing.
    I thought you said
    "Me in real life = Foxhog.

    The Sonic/Tails fusion is just how I choose to interpret myself in my avatar."

    Therefore, you aren't but your avatar is.

    I would've put a line through it, but that BBCode isn't allowed in visitor messages, so I made it black instead.
    It wasn't sonic. If you search that nothing out of the ordinary (except a blue hedgehog) comes up.
    I'm not going to tell you.

    How isn't it related?
    I'm scarred for life now. I even had google moderate safe search ON! I'm not even going to tell you what I searched, so you don't see it.

    Anyway, is this related to your avatar?
    That still doesn't disprove the evidence that shows that Tails was shocked just after you made your avatar.
    > That in my avatar is me.
    > I made it from some Sonic and Tails sprites. Basically I just fused them and recoloured.

    You in real life = fuse of Sonic/Tails
    If that was why, then wouldn't I know?
    I would see him across from me looking at me spying on you and take his picture.

    I took this picture just after you made your avatar.
    Then explain why Tails looks so shocked.

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