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  • Slender Man could come. :D I need this DVD xDDD Too bad people in NC have never heard of it Dx
    My mom is going to sleep before me now. :D That was probably the funniest thing that happened to them xDD
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I just wish that I could meet at least one person in real life who I would actually enjoy being around. And thank you very much. I wish the same to you, Brandon.
    I... suppose it's just a habit now. We used to have relevant interests, but as we grew older our interests seemed to dramatically change, and they got too immature [and annoying] for my taste. But I still hang around them every once in a while and we chat about serious topics every now and then, so it's not all bad. But most of the time I prefer them not being around me. And, I sort of just call them friends because I wouldn't want to dissapoint and possibly anger them. They're rather sensitive, and if there's one thing I can't stand, it's seeing people sad. I don't know. I feel like I'm lying to myself or something. :/

    Ahaha, you're welcome! :D
    Hmm. It seems like you and I are having the same problems. I actually am looking forward to summer so I can sort of reshape my life; perspectives, goals... things like that. I highly doubt I'm going to see many friends this summer, but it's not as if I actually enjoy being around any of my real life friends. :/ They're all... Not my type.

    Oh? That's great! Congratulations! :D
    Lucky. That means you'll stay up longer :3 And my post got eaten in Sanctic :c
    And I with you! We muuust talk more.

    Oh. I know how you feel; school's not being very nice to me either. Both the kids and school in general. But the good thing is that school should be over in a few weeks, and then it's finally summer. I hope you feel better about school soon!
    I know, and that makes me very sad! You're one of my closest and most trusted friends, after all.

    I've been doing rather well dispite a few setbacks, thanks for asking! And how have you been lately?
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