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  • Grr the accepting friend requests thing doesn't work D: Maybe if I friend you back...

    Oh there, it worked. :D
    They didn't have it at Gamestop, they have it on Amazon and stuff.
    Grr I was getting halfway decent at controlling my partner and then they replaced her with a new one :( Now I just kind of mash random buttons :P
    I was looking for it for ages! ...well okay no, I wanted to get it a couple of years ago, couldn't find it, and just looked again recently :P
    It is! And the battle system in the game itself is all about multitasking too and I'm so horribly bad at it D:
    Nothing really, trying to browse the forums and play TWEWY at the same time.
    ...It's not really working, haha.
    I probably should, but I'm uninteresting and usually have nothing to say c:
    YOU! Hello! Haha, I mostly lurk and only ever really talk on the Mafia forum, so that might explain it. :P

    I haven't tested it yet. Hopefully it'll work.
    I'm kind of hoping for an Ipod, but I have no idea.
    A.K.A. "Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys"

    My favoirte song by them is currently "Sing"

    Well, $50 moneys haven't come yet. But yes, Wii + Brawl is epic. And I have Wi-Fi. This is great. Also, I know I'm getting something expensive come monday. I don't know what it is, but my brother and sister are getting $80 DSs. And they're each getting one.
    (iI know, it's a long holiday.)

    Well, I got a Wii, My Chemical Romance's new album, a $40 target gift card, $70 other money, some shirts and Super Smash Bros Brawl. I'm happy.

    A-....awwwwwwwwwwwwwh! Brandon you are fabulously fantastic. :3 Really. *huggle*
    durrhurryay. :3
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