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  • I've heard stuff about it... What kind of game is it? Like RPG, adventure, what?

    Also thank you!!
    Also... Yeah... Imported bubbles... They're from... Cana...Dia...Land...Rin.
    Yes that is where these bubbles have come from.

    (And I can probably do that; I've always had some good ideas for a story, but I never had the time)
    I don't know what you look like! I mean, for all I know, you could be a Redneck in Phoenix!
    I'll see myself out
    I'll write you a limerick and get you some club soda.
    Not just any club soda however
    I'm gonna get FANCY club soda, with imported bubbles.
    If that doesn't scream high class then idk what does.

    (Ok, I can do that... I'll try and use my powers of rhyme to think of a limerick that is quite sublime)
    Also both the Persians are better for Pride than Greed, based on their Pokedex entries.(Also, keep in mind Persian can only learn Pay Day, the greediest move out there, as a Meowth)
    OK, thats pretty good. If you want more mons, heres some: Mankey and Primeape for Wrath, and Glameow and Purugly for Pride. I'll help you think of some more later, but thats all I got for now. Also, if you don't want people to see what you're gonna put in your zone, you might want to PM me this instead of VMing it.

    Also THANK YOU for putting Houndoom in.
    That is really good for envy.
    But y'know, you can't have just rares; you need commons and uncommons too, so you don't flood the market with rare Pokemon.
    Also you can't not include Houndoom in your zone; it fits the theme too perfectly to be left out
    Shoot... I think Snubbull is especially proud. If not Snubbull, than I know it was a dog Pokemon.
    Depends; if you think they'll be up in the next 2 or 3 days, or sometime soon like that, then you can leave it up. Anything longer, though, and you should probably take it down.
    Also your zone needs to have rules, prices, and if its a specialized zone, the Pokemon you can find there; otherwise, you have to take it down.
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