Hurry, we must cure you! ;;Grabs AntiArylettspray, drops it;; Gaaah, I'm so Arylettish that I can't even touch this stuff! ;;Backs far, FAR away from AntiArylettspray;; Eewww, I don't like it. It can cure you though of your Arylettishness! I'm afraid that I'm beyond hope though...
Hurry, we must cure you! ;;Grabs AntiArylettspray, drops it;; Gaaah, I'm so Arylettish that I can't even touch this stuff! ;;Backs far, FAR away from AntiArylettspray;; Eewww, I don't like it. It can cure you though of your Arylettishness! I'm afraid that I'm beyond hope though...