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  • *facepalm*
    Could you actually take a Dalek's pulse?
    Of course not! Tragic characters never get them!!
    Since when is Eve tragic?
    Shut up, or I'm making you go back to Road Trip!
    ;~; *cowering*
    Probably. If she does actually kick the bucket, it would have been for a good reason, she'd have truly become fully human (Able to love) and died protecting her new friends all that.. as corny as it is. xD Although she'll most likely survive and end up being severely incapacitated for a looong time. At best. Assuming the other Daleks don't kill her. Boy oh boy, do I love making my characters suffer. >D
    O.O *whimper*
    Aww, RT logged off! Just when it was getting good!! ;~;
    Of course, Eve, (assuming she survives using up so much energy so quickly and getting fried twice), will be in biiig trouble with them, because basically, she pulled the emergency fire alarm, so to speak, and when they realize who and what she is, and why she called them in, they're going to be veeeeeeeery ticked off.
    Eve got to do a Crowning Moment of Awesome, Link is back from the dead (again), and I'm feeling fine!! :D
    Well, I try. :grin: So, what's going on there?
    Uh.. epic fighting.. Eve getting fried. And calling in the Daleks.
    Ah. Just another reason to hide here!!
    Hey guys. I'm hiding here until things quiet down in Road Trip. Is that okay with you?
    How many nerdy DW references can I jam into this train wreck?! LET'S FIND OUT!! >DD
    xDD My favorite cutscene!
    And now for something completely different..

    Doctor: Hello! Where and when are we?!
    Random Oleanan(?): o.o *scurry*
    Doctor: Hey, come back! Waiit! You didn't answer my-!
    Oleanean: D< *chomp*
    Doctor: MY HAND! Not again!!
    Really? That seems strange. Well, hope you like the game! The cutscene with Linebeck shaking Link until his eyes turn into swirls is hilarious. Did you get to that yet?
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