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  • Well i've probably got to go to bed in a short time anyway. Wait a mo i'm doing a public battle, then i'll create a thingy/.
    No worries, no one shows any interest to join this year, so you might get to take part of it.
    I could reserve a spot for you so that you can sign up when things are less hectic?
    Well you might be right there.

    aaa sorry i was elsewhere

    can we do this in like 15-25 minutes so i can take a quick shower? :<

    also smogon please
    Can't I just turn up when you've started? I don't have much time now. I did say I needed to show up later.
    I will join later thanks. I want to make an impact, and preferably not when everyone is making tons of introductions.
    Sorry. I think I did say somewhere that I wanted to join after everyone made their intros so i could just crash-landor something.
    My FC is also 4940-7988-5756, My name is Virus but you can list me anything you want.

    (I also have a ridley avatar, because thats my real name =D.)
    Whilst its connecting. What controller do you use? I suck because i'm the guy who uses the nunchuk.
    I might turn up later when all the newbies like myself are showing up, i'll wait a bit thanks.
    Plus i' can go on Brawl, let me add you first.
    I must use this line:
    "You win again, gravity!"

    Anyway, how should I turn up? I was thinking crashing the Nimbus into the dimension you're in right now.
    Okay cool. I'll be able to go on it later, i'll VM you when I can.

    Also I joined Rift in the Dimensions as a hero. Is it okay?

    (I was tempted to be Agnew, a headless body who is Richard Nixon's bodyguard but that would go a little too far.)
    I understand. Changing the topic completely do you have Brawl by any chance? Its only i've got the whole night to myself and am major bored.
    Yeah i'm fine-ish. Anyway, sorry about Rift in the Dimensions. I was grounded and only found that message afterwards. Aww..
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