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  • Hey again, Skymin, I was just wondering, I downloaded Bubbleman. I'm Bubbleman! with my Youtube Downloader, and thought you might be interested unless you already have it, do you want me to get a download link for you?
    Hey Skymin, just thought I'd Show you something, unless you had already seen it.
    hey Skymin, have you ever played Fancy Pants World 2? it's a freeware platformer that I find kind of familiar to the oldschool Sonic games, you should check it out of you have the time to.
    I see.

    I've actually heard of the bit in the credits, so it doesn't matter that much.
    Hey Skymin, a question about Klonoa 2, what exactly is King Of Sorrow's powers? I didn't want to look at the battle and spoil more for myself(I already knows he dies) so I thought you'd know since you've played the game.
    So you're still alive~ *glomps*

    Haven't seen you for a while. It's nice to know you still exist~
    Hey Skymin, since you're such a Megaman fan, have you seen my Top 15 robot Master list? I thought you'd be interested, I was kinda lazy thought and didn't comment on any off the songs, but that made the video way to long. :/

    Anyway, seen it yet? I've actually only done 15-7 so far, but I'll work on 6-1 later today.
    Hi! :D

    I'm here to inquire about your plans for The Smash Dojo. We're leaving it somewhat open ended, so that you guys can pretty much do whatever in the hell you want, keeping with the plot. Since your characters are pretty much just hanging out, I figured I'd ask you guys first. I think at this point Bowser and Skylar are going to be the last additions to the Halberd-ers. 2 out of 3 of the characters in your group have encountered Subspace before, so they might know what to do. If you'd like, just to simplify things, I could throw a boss at your group and see where it goes for there. Heck, I've been considering adding a second character for myself so he/she can join up with one of the others, but I can't seem to narrow down my choices. D:

    So if you've read all that, congratulations! I've also sent this to Dragon and Blastoise. If there's a lot of conflict between all of you, we can probably find some sort of compromise.
    I'd do if I just hit with one more Green Missile, Spearhand(forward smash) or Super Jump Punch.

    Items do have a huge part in the match thought, I can't beat my brother with items on when he plays as that freaking cheapshot Pit. >:|
    I hate Pit.
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