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  • Heeey.. completely random inquiry more than likely since you're the only one on my friends list who plays ASB~ :D I kind of want to try a 2v2 team battle.. even though I have no clue when, where or how. But like.. want to partner up and see who we get and stuff? (If a ref ever comes... ever)
    Awesome? Person? Me? Now, where would you get a silly idea like that o.o

    Eeeee.. I know that feeling though. xD; Albeit I NEVER have a high post count, I generally lurk around communities enough to wonder "Well why the heck don't I talk to anyone?". To be honest I've been meaning to speak to you for that same Awesome-Person equation, but I never know how to approach anyone~
    Eeeee, it's hard not to feel that way some times though~ xD;;
    I do have to ask, not that I mind or anything, but any particular reason for the invite? o.o I'm sort of leaning towards YAY Megaman Fangirlism Unite x3 But I'm ALSO a curious git~
    Well.. I'm completely brainlocked again tonight, yay, but don't want to be all silent and stuff.. Friend requests, yay, I'm not a total antisocial git~ x3
    ...Hi :D
    Yeah, it's hard not to worry sometimes :\ , i try to just let back and know that it will (for now,anway) will probably solve itself in due time. So far, life's been all about waiting for me. So usually thtat works, know what i mean.
    Hey, on your "grr thread" post: You're Nineteen, correct? Well , not from experience, but maybe when you're older you'll want them? You don't have to have them now :]
    His theme is my favourite from the Megaman franchise, although Bubble man, Skull man and Top man is pretty close.
    ;_; youch. And you almost confused me xD *Just woke up, and only got 3 hours of sleep* The only thing near me that's really worth mentioning is the Brookfield Zoo though.
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