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  • New York?
    Well, Manhattan's really busy, but it gets okay later in the day. Peaceful, almost. Quiet. And there are a LOT of things you can do. Can't get bored there.
    Queens is really peaceful, most of the people here are friendly. Where I live, forest Hills, has no forests or hills but it's really awesome anyways. We've been given an award for being the most diverse place in the city. *waves*
    The Bronx can be busy, sometimes not. I haven't been there much, but the bridges are pretty at night. ^^
    Brooklyn is a lot like Manhattan, really busy, and a lot of things to do. The Botanical Gardens are awesome, great for sightseeing.
    Never been to Staten Island, but they don't have subways.
    The underground subways are stuffy, but the on-ground subways are great. I take the 7 train to get to school, and that is great. Spacey and comfortable. I've never been on a 7 train where there WASN'T any seats available. The bus is stuffy, but a slight bit faster than the subway.
    The Statue of Liberty is GIGANTIC, though I accidentally came off at the wrong stop. You need to take a boat, which stops at Ellis Island too.
    The Empire State Building isn't *that* great, just a big (stress the big) building. YOu can't live in it. T.T
    I've been to the Freedom Tower construction site, and it's getting bigger and bigger.
    The hot dogs are good too. Had to mention that.

    Oh and weekend and classes in a sentence:
    There are no classes on the weekend.
    if i get a B+ or anything below they ban me from the computer
    if i get an A- they ban me from TCoD
    if i get an A they let me go on.

    I sneak on anyways ^^
    It was amazing!
    I cried so much during the last number though ):
    I'm actually still wearing the camp tee-shirt. :3
    ok...Have fun. Lol its like you said "Hi poke! Bye Poke!" Also, I got O Hai from Lolcats. Its the lolcat greeting.
    Me? Oh, beside being overwhelmed with hmework, nothing much

    it's the weeeekend~no school til monnnday~
    Meh, it was fun making my genius Noctowl morph.

    I type slow. Because I usually go here on my touch which is a bit slower to type on in the first place. But on a keyboard I am a tiny bit below avarage.
    Posted in one yesterday, then realized it had been dead for a week. -_- Better luck some other time.
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