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Squornshellous Beta

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  • That is true. I SHALL TRY ANYWAYS

    A quick test in Firefox and Chrome shows nothing wrong for me. Which browser/version did this happen in?

    The way the calculator is coded really means that it shouldn't be breaking on its own unless I change something, and I haven't changed anything in quite some time, so it sounds to me like this might be something odd going on with your browser, or perhaps with its Flash plugin. Are you able to use other Flash-based things without a problem? Have you tried a different browser, if you have access to one?
    And so on.

    It looks German if you read it "al-bite".

    Because someone was violently sick in the dye or paint or whatever they coloured the controller with and they just decided to go ahead and use it anyway.

    As does "albeit".

    Oh, you should see the other one which doesn't seem to be on there any more. It was just like that but with yellow-green instead of blue.

    Flug is. It isshort for Flugzeug.

    Also, Amazon purports to sell USB gamepads that are also wet-wipe dispensers. I'm not sure how to react to that.
    ...as it turns out, I could've gotten on about an hour ago. I misunderstood my grandma and...

    Why is the VM input box so tiny?
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