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  • I only reffed one attack so far: Hypnosis.

    Round 1 Begin!

    While Darkmask pouted about how he was just about up to his ankles in this darn clay, Pristine put aside her thoughts about how filthy she was. She faintly heard Galaxy call out, "Being dirty is okay, come on, Hypnosis!" She took advantage of the Riolu's distraction and slowly paced torwards him, lowering her eyelids a bit. "Relax," she purred. Darkmask reflexively tried to strike at her, the sudden motion sinking him a fraction of an inch deeper. Darkmask envied how darn delicate his opponent's paws were, enabling her to walk without sinking straight in. That, and the fact that she had her weight spread among four legs. "No, my dear, sweet Darkmask. If you long to get back to above ground, you must give into those feelings of fatigue and relax." Darkmask knew he was likely falling prey to some dirty trick, but his subconscious side had listened; he unconsciously relaxed a bit, letting his arms fall limp and a slight slouch develop. "Yes, my sugarcane. But you must relax, let yourself go," she lured. Darkmask stopped his resistance efforts. He let go, let go... Darkness. He had fallen prey. and was in the center of a deep slumber. As he fell into the void of sleep, he heard an echo in the back of his mind... "Darkmask! Don't fall asleep! Force Palm!" He was beyond the point of return as the Glameow smirked a few inches away, holding her curled tail high.

    I'm only just about to start reffing it, do you mind if I show you the results after?
    1vs1 single
    DQ: 7 days
    Damage Cap: None
    Banned Moves: OHKOs
    Arena: In A Clay Town

    The battlers have been shrunken down to only be half an inch tall to fit into a child's clay town model. With inch thick ground, a small, unpredictable child watching, and several poorly constructed buildings liable to fall at any moment or impact, Earthquake will wreak havoc on the battlefield, which possibly could be used in someone advantage. Throwing moves (Seismic Toss, Vital Throw, etc.) have a ten percent chance of being aimed at a flimsy building or tree or heck, the sky. Whatever is hit will deal the thrown Pokemon an extra 3% damage, and then a 5% chance that the creator will walk in and yell at the small child, suspecting that she has done the damage. The yells then have the ability to send the Pokemon banging into each other, dealing 2% damage.

    Pre-round Notes
    Now mysteriously tiny, the referee and trainers walk into the field, tryig to spread their weight and not sink into the ground below. After a painstaking half hour treading into the field, the referee and trainers come to a clearing in the expanse of frail buildings and opaque sky, upon which the spectating child squeals with delight, seeing the small group.*

    Team Hitchhiker*

    Darkmask (M)
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Health: 100%
    Energy: 100%
    Status: My paws are sinking into the ground... gah! It's darn quicksand for all I know! If only I didn't have the steel particles for later on in me to weigh me down...

    Team Galaxy
    Pristine (F)
    Health: 100%
    Energy: 100%
    Status: Oh, filthy, mucky, horrendous clay infiltrating my precious coat! Look, it is less luminous...
    Commands: Attract~Tackle~Quick Attack

    and ongoing. not finished yet.
    Uh, ok? Don't worry the forum staff already know and don't care. I have never caused any trouble and don't intend to.

    I am creating a battle for myself to ref (practicing) and made up an amazing arena :D
    Imaginary rare candies that raise an imaginary Pokémon's imaginary EXP by one imaginary point :D Very legitimate!
    :? But is a single EXP point worth thirteen weeks' allowance, when you could just battle with the Pokémon?
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