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  • Well, it's just Vancouver (and three other areas). Some years, we get a few metres of snow, and this year, we got none at all. It usually comes in bursts, about 15 cm at a time, and it's all over the newspapers each time it snows. On average, maybe half a metre a year in Delta and a metre in Burnaby. Barely any snow days at all; the most snow in one day I can remember is around 40 cm a few years ago; I heard that there was a blizzard in 1996 in which Victoria got about 70 cm of snow on a single day and 40 cm the next.

    Have you been on Pilot mountain?

    Not that I know of. The main reason is because you listed your schedule in GMT-5, which is, adjusted for daylight savings, Central.

    What's being in a hurricane like?
    I think that you probably see a lot more snow each year than I do. In fact, I don't think it snowed at all this winter XD. It's sort of like San Francisco, except a several degrees cooler and not as much fog in summer. And lots more rain, except this summer's been really dry. Yes. This is the one exception (actually, one of four) to the "Canada is a frozen barren wasteland" theory.

    Do you live in an urban area, or somewhere rural? Actually, even though I probably know this question is stupid, are there any rural areas in the eastern portion of the US?

    I thought you lived somewhere in Illinois. Derp.
    I searched up Pilot mountain and was amused by its shape. Then, I found out that it's closed for climbing. :( Although I don't know why this would be wut-worthy.

    I take it that you live in North Carolina?
    I don't know what that means, but as long as it's not your competitive battling team, it's okay.

    Sky Pilot Mountain. It's the highest peak south of Squamish and west of Hope.
    An actual one, please. Lvl. 50, non-EV-trained. I have White. Also, could this one please be held on a date to be announced, on which I'll climb up Sky Pilot Mountain and hold the battle there, just for the lulz?
    ((BTW, if you were wondering whether I guessed correctly on that minesweeper game, I did, for once))

    Can I have a wi-fi battle with you?
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