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  • Yes, blooood. *chews on a random bone*
    Orly, I'm in 9th :0 And we're the same age~ Highschool isn't as bad as most people make it out to be. Though, how did you get so sick that you missed an entire year? o.O

    I spent an inordinate amount of time drawing, just so I could get that good >.> I'm usually behind on homework/reffings because I spent so much time drawing. So don't do it, kids!
    Realism is reallll hard; agreed there. I still can't draw it without reference >.>
    And I watched you. GET ON MY FRIENDS LIST D<

    (Nidospell? :0 Whuzzat?
    *revives* FIREEEEEEE [im a pyromaniac can you tell haha i think you can]
    ...Wow. That must be one sharp wheelchair o.o Or did you run into it at high speeds? Either way, *tosses you a cookie*)
    I forgot SOMETHING *faceplants*

    *feathers slice through gloves* o.o
    Haha I designed Blazheirio when I was in grade 4 >.> I was a destructive little kid.

    It's not quite realism, just... realism mixed with cartoon, yeah! Does that make sense?
    I was hoping to find your dA in your signature, and then I spent an unorthodox amount of time staring at that Nidorina animation... Linkie to dA? :0

    (Nooooo *dies* whar's mah fiyah ;-;
    I got two textbooks dropped on my ankle on Friday :'D It hurt. A lot. And it still kinda hurts. But is your nan's wheelchair okay? :0)
    Oh pfff, I didn't realize that you replyed to me previous visitor message >.> Stupid me.

    Have you been stalking my conversations with Mike? :0 Yeah, I'm a mechanical dragon. A very sharp, pokey mechanical dragon. Pleased to meet you. *holds out spiky wing for a handshake*

    (Heyhey a flamecane? It's on fire, right? Firefirefirefireeee *runs around*
    I have bad legs too >.> As in lolbadknees and ankles

    And thanks :) I haven't uploaded stuff in forever, though. MY dA IS IN AGONY)
    He'd totally try to perform complex surgery using only his knifewrench.
    Luckily it'd be mostly on JD.

    (seriously though they do have to swear all that stuff that they won't hurt patients... then of course you get fudgewads like harold shipman)
    Well what if my arm just exploded? I'd have a right so be sad and you'd be mean for telling me not to be.
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