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  • holy shit those little half pint ones?
    i love those
    also i need to do that soon. drawing during recess.
    my school's cheap.
    they make parents pay to see their kids put on a goddamn play.
    yeah but the book The Cat in the Hat Comes Back rips thirty bucks outta your pocket so.
    teacher taught me how to fold paper cranes at the end of fifth and it's been addicting ever since.

    don't forget your meal-*shot*

    also ttyph the first good news of the da-y~
    it's summer dammit
    and they're not in my class
    i know i should be happy but i'm mad because i can't take my full fury out and bash 'em.

    so do i, actually. i get on tcod and whoosh seven o clock flies by and then i wake up in the middle of the night and yeah.
    the trope applies to you?

    damnit i get fat even if i starve myself for a week. and i get teased for it like hell.
    i don't know, it's an hour apart. somehow.

    that typh hat as in that blue one with the hawaiian flowers and all that i drew on wartotle!typh?

    that one was funny. XP
    typh holy heck i'm taller than i think. 5'1. =^=
    is that normal no it's not.
    i know. it's convenient talking to you, since our time zones are the same, or even notory, where you add one hour. much more convenient than talking to dannichu or kai, for instance, since you have to add five hours so you don't get much time to tallk to them.
    never knew new jerseyers are called "bridge people"
    also for our road trip, we might get to stop at jersey city 'fore going to chicago.
    yeah but we're not in britain.
    also thank god we're in the same time zone too
    and woah ironic.
    Typh's gonna have a badass moment showdown thingy! :DDDDD
    Gooooooo Typh!
    This I wanna see. >8D

    (This is going to be sooooooo awesome x 10. :DDD)
    Meh, I was never expecting a greeting from you anyway because I know for a fact you don't like speaking with me.
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