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    I would reply to your E-mail but you wanted me to stay discreet and quiet.
    *Mission Impossible theme plays* Inconspicuouse... =__=
    Why havn't I drawn Janitor except for that one occation in vocal music but the teacher took away the assingment I doodled on?? XP
    Yeah I know all that :3
    I'm not gonna start yet, I want to read some battles and what have you, help myself get the hang of how all this stuff works in practise and all that stuff :D

    And I need the Riolu Dragon bought me
    Actually I... can't see iiiiit ;;

    "Kadabra (M)
    Signature attribute: Paranormal Power

    It is well known that Kadabra have incredible psychic powers. Many have reported strange phenomena happening just as a result of Kadabra being nearby- clocks running backwards, eerie shadows on television screens, people experiencing headaches and so on. Ordinarily these are just useless side-effects. However, this particular Kadabra accidentally exploded a toaster in the middle of using an innocent Kinesis attack and had a brainwave; maybe these accidental psychic powers could be used to his advantage in battle! He trained to amplify these inherent psychic waves until they affected artificial and technology-related Pokémon, sending them berserk and making them weaker merely from being in battle with Kadabra. He even gained the ability to control the flow of electricity. Of course the effort of putting out these powerful waves is a great strain on Kadabra's other, intentional psychic abilities.

    Effects: When battling Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Bronzor, Bronzong, Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ or Rotom, there is a 20% chance that the Pokémon will be afflicted with Confuse at the start of each turn. In addition Kadabra weakens every Electric attack targeted at it by 2%. However the effort of boosting its paranormal PSI-waves causes it to use an extra 1% energy on every other attack it uses. The waves are also indiscriminate, so any friendly Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Bronzor, Bronzong, Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ or Rotom will stand a chance of being confused also."

    Is it fail y/y

    (incidentally what do i need to do after getting my starter team approved again)

    When I'm done typing up the description in the notepad in my User CP can I show you so you can tell me how rubbish it is
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