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    *dragged* Dx
    Whoo~ A real pirate ship! Shotgun? xD

    (NO. WE ARE A PIRATE! :3)
    :DDDDD pirates!

    Wait... are we pirates or ninjas? If I recall correctly, a friend of mine said that we were French pirates or something. I'mramblingI'llshutupnow. :3
    It's so cute, he's carrying the purse. xD "mudgetest" xD

    And Shawn's "I hum... HUM!" xD And I swear I lol'd out loud and had to replay it like 50 times over when Gus slipped in the mud. xD

    Omg... I lol'd at the Lassie gibberish. xDDD
    I shall send you really old pics of mine too~
    Their actualy only about a year or two old, but the change is so drastic I bet you wouldn't be able to tell. :3
    Wuffles? Ooh... like waffles? :D

    (You have a shirt? Luckeh! C:

    I want mad beatboxing skills too~ I tried to do the same beat as he was doing, but it totally failed. xD I guess I can't beatbox at all. xDD)
    Yay. Happeh doggie~ :3

    (OH YEAH! That episode was awesome cause Wilson and House were playing pranks on each other! And House did the "hand-in-warm-water" prank. xD

    Now it's Psych bloopers, I love Shawn's beatboxing skills and Lassie's cute little dance. :3

    Okay, so Shawn ends up being hospitalized and goes to Princeton Plainsboro. :3

    Actually, I saw a shirt at AnimeExpo that said "Property of Princeton Plainsboro, Teaching Hospital" I wanted it. D: )

    (Lucky... I haven't solved any. xD Although I have solved a Psych or two before~ x3

    xD Yes, I would pretty much have the same reaction if I saw that. Or just yell "CUTE~! ♥" xD)
    AAAAAA! D: wait... good puppy! :3 *gives dog biscuit*

    (Wow... your mom is talented. ^o.o^

    No clue, but all of them can sing really good, so it would be perfect if they did a musical. I'm just trying to picture Lassie breaking out into song while telling off McNab. C: )
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