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  • Different coloured noses? Uh, please elaborate.

    And, ooh, do one of the kitties have heterochromia? ^.^
    Oh dear, now that is problematic. =( How're they doing anyway, as in how are they being taken care of?
    I'm good.

    It's a somewhat cloudy day over here where I'm residing. Taking into account the last several day, this is actually a pretty rare sight. For the majority of my summer, it has been raining floods and there have been a lot of thunderstorms, too. Just what the hell is up with this weather?
    ...And how did I end up talking about the weather here? O_O
    Nooo Spencer! D:

    (I know~ And one of them Cary Elwes in it, the guy who plays Wesley from the Princess Bride~ Chika chika yeaaaah~ :333)
    I'm being mauled. D:
    Shh Lassie! :33

    (xDD I forgot about that one. Omg... August 7th~ :DDDD)
    :3 ... >:| I mean
    Socute~ :3

    ("We don't take orders... unless it's to get on the dancefloor! Make some noise with a Z!" :D)
    Awwwwww. :3
    ^-^ ... I mean, Spencer, get off me! D:<

    (xDDD YES or...
    Shawn: "You really wanna know our process?"
    Lassie: "Yes."
    Shawn: "Well it starts with a 'HOLLA' and it ends with a creamsicle."
    Gus: "And if there's time in between: Thudercats. ho-ooooh!!")
    Cheer up emo Lassie. :D

    (I know! xDDD He's so cute throughout that whole webisode. I wonder what time it is that he's still at the station. xD)
    I'm sorry, I have to go. Lightning storm coming and my parent want me off and this sucks, and I'm sorry..
    I'll see you the day after tomorow I guess. ;-;
    Good luck with the test results.
    NOOOOOOOO- Damn Spencer. D:

    (The... the bears. Totally confused the hell outta Lassie-face~ xD)
    You just..
    deal with it.
    I don't know. When I learned that I had cancer it didn't really register in my mind. I went along choosing not to belive. Now that I can't escape the fact that I have it (though it's being killed) I've gone numb.
    I don't know how to deal with things because I don't deal with them. I shove them somewhere else or go numb so I don't have to feel the effects of them.
    Don't do this.
    Don't do this.
    Don't do this.
    I wish I was better at this sorta thing. I want you to be happy...
    Come here Lassie. :D
    Fine... D: *climbs back down*
    *scratches him behind the ears* :3

    (Haha. Watch Calling Lassie. "My name is Jim StOOOOneman." xDDDD)
    I'll get Spencer for that. D:
    ...Typh... I promised not to convo-stalk you but I can't help reading the messages you send Nottie as I send my own to her profile. (The "View Conversation" isn't working for me for some odd reason).

    I don't know how to help you. :< All I can really do is tell you to be strong, tough it out and keep moving forward. Who knows? A miracle will happen someday but that day isn't today unfortunately. Don't lose hope and keep looking forward to the future.

    *Gives a hug*
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