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  • Omg, it's totally like Jeeves and Wooster all over again! YAY! I want to watch that now. :3

    I am going to say five like that from now on. xDDD FAIVE~ xD
    ... Do I sense a Warrior name? :D Fruitpool~ So pretty. :3

    YES FEEL LOVED! :DDD I bet the... chair feels loved too? xD

    I totally want to go hug my dog again... I need fuzz therapy~ 8D
    Sorry for causing you trouble then. :S The best name I can come up with at the top of my head, though, is Aster. *Shrugs*

    Anyway, my sister wants to go biking right now and I have to accompany her much to her dismay (I have such an overprotective mother, it's not funny in the slightest. -.-;;;). Talk to you later, Typh. ;D
    There are two so far? OMG... fly me over to your house... STAT! D8

    Yeah. Nah, I'm still going with getting a German Shepherd, calling him Lassiter and nicknaming him Lassie. xD

    Kittens~ :3 ♥

    you are so lucky. D: name one Lassie! *shot a million times* Or... Wilsy? xD
    Fine, fine, I was just joking anyway. I'm terrible when it comes to naming pets. =(
    Well, once all the kitties have been given birth to, name one of them Mr. Snickerdoodle. ^w^ Why? No reason. =D
    Ok get a boy then tell me to jokingly suggest you call it Mike so I can be stabbed :3

    And oooh o.o
    Oh. How long have you been hiding them for? *Is curious*
    And do I ask too many questions for my own good?
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