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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Well, many people have jobs. Sure, we get some compensation, but it's never truly equall to our work.
    So in a way we are slaves. And our ecosystem lends me to think 'Bee hive" or "Ant Hill".
    Who, Bill Bailey?

    ...no, apparently not =/

    Adolf Hitler on the other hand is generally accepted as deceased.
    xDD *takes his lab coat again, because he won't notice it's gone*

    (Ohhh! I felt so bad for him about Amber. D:)
    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
    Mushrooms, mushrooms
    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
    Mushrooms, mushrooms
    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom
    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
    Arggh! There goes a... snake, a snake! Ohhhhhhhh it's a snake!
    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger.........
    I has new usertitle~

    Find as many YouTube clips of Bill Bailey as you can :D While I continue to consider buying a book which I know is going to totally shit me up if I read it but which I am oddly fascinated by

    Also Mein Kampf for only £200, I'd totally pay that to read about some guy ranting at Jews for ages =/
    I dunno. It's always like that when I go on YouTube; it either loads the video or it freezes.

    <3 Bill Bailey :3
    Tattered and torn
    Weary and worn
    Feeling forlorn that we look untidy
    Chewing our nails
    Praying that whales
    Aren't allowed to eat meat on Fridays
    Still we are not discouraged
    Due to the ancient quote
    That you're likely to win
    Take it all on the chin
    When you're in the same booooooooooooooat

    :3 (Even 2 months after my school's production, I still can't get that song outta my head.)
    You saw Curtains, too!?
    ...Or did you just click that link I provided for Nottie in case she could go on YouTube yesterday?
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