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  • Ah. In that case, please accept my green felt apologies, and allow me to sing the fourth verse of "An English Country Garden" omitting the line "Where tom tits dwell" by way of recompense.
    1) Nope, but she did say she might be able to meet him one day. =P Dunno how though...
    2) MAKE ME! =P
    3) ... I got nothing now. =(
    Lassie with no shirt?! I think... I think I just died from fangirlishness~ 8D

    *finds an extra pair of handcuffs and put one on herself and one on Lassie* :3
    1) Chances of me meeting Hugh Laurie and becoming friends? LOW! Chances of one of my cousins meeting him instead? POSSIBLE.
    2) =P
    3) Another random YouTube video.
    1) My friend happens to be a "she".
    2) I'm no lucky bastard.
    3) Random YouTube video (<- Banned commercial video)

    Hey... I want in on this action. :D *hugs Typh, then Shawnie, then tackleglomps Lassie* :D
    (Your old usertitle heeeee~)

    Where a man called Smith would see us safely on to a goods train carrying livestock to Minsk.

    (Don't forget to show him Mr Burmy. And the French racecar driver. And Hugh singing "Hey Jude" on helium and "Where is the Lid" andandandEVERYRTHING)
    Sounds like something my friend was able to do on the piano back when his harmonica wasn't "accidentally" broken by some "unknown" force. =P
    It is now twenty-seven summers since Comrade Molenski stood slightly to the left of where you are now and told me that, one day, a man would come into this shop and give notice of his alliegance with the phrase "good morning". And that, on hearing these words, Mr Dalliard and I were to detonate our relatives and fly to Dover.

    (I see you're teaching Skroy the wonders of ABOFAL~)
    "I won't tell you which because I hate you" XDDDDDDDD
    My math/physics teacher also said the same thing in a jokingly manner one time (I forgot what it was about though).
    Welcome, comrade. Welcome. Sit down. Rest your weary elbows. You'll take a glass of vodka? Mr Dalliard! Break out the false passports and the rabbit-skin hats. We are going to Moscow.
    (NOOOO. DDD8)

    Awwww... *helps Gus into the car* Yay... is that everyone? C:
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