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  • Well, at least you now know you're not allergic to bees, which is good. And at least it wasn't a mosquito bite either. :D
    Wherever the bee stung you, just leave that spot alone. You may be tempted to scratch that specific spot but trust me it'll only make it worse if you do so (I shouldn't tell you this; you should know about it).
    Ouch. >< That reminds me of the time a bee crawled up my skin for about an hour. Or was it a wasp...? I honestly don't remember but I was scared.
    Hiya, Typh...
    Bad news: I was careless and I got caught on the computer pass midnight, and now I'm forced to sleep at 11 PM or else... *gulps*
    *Sighs* It sucks to have strict parents... =(
    Haha... yes it is. :D

    (Ohh yes, you definitely have a shot! Just keep on practicing drawing regularly, and I think you'll have a good shot. :D)
    (*Gives you a Typhbiccy*)

    His tenth? Sir, you're spoiling him. I was only ever allowed one. On my birthday, usually. However. No doubt you know your own business best. Just don't come bleating to Mr Dalliard and me if this over-indulged child grows up to be one of those drug jockeys that you're always reading about on television. A glass of water?

    The day after Tuesday. Doctors are so specific these days, aren't they? And are you expecting him to be a boy or a girl?
    (Yay I was good
    Do I get a cookie?)

    So. In plain-flavoured English. When ... is ... your ... son's birthday?
    Oh, you are genuinely stupid. I'm so sorry. I thought you were just being deaf. Mr Dalliard, command the earth to swallow me up. I'm so sorry, life must be hard enough for stupid people without tactless old bastards like that lady over there rubbing it in with salt in your face widely. Mr Dalliard, I've gone all peculiar now.

    (That's OK, doesn't sound like I want to know o.o)
    (YAY! :DDD sounds like you'll be busy drawing for a while, huh? :3)

    *pokes Lassie* Haha... bondageshipping~ :P
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