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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • *Ceases Crunch* YOU! >< *Goes after Faziok*
    Waterfall, Zel!

    (I'll read it if I have the patience to read 472 pages currently in it. -_-;; After doing so, I may join in— with your permission of course)
    Not... gonna... make it... gon!
    Flye, no!
    Zel, go teach that little ghost a lesson and use Crunch!
    Oh yeah, my turn to shine!

    (Uh, I don't read the messages in Road Trip; it's too long like one of my favorite fanfics I'm reading: "A Little Night Music" by srgeman)
    Grah, gon!
    We're almost finish (I think). Dragon Pulse!

    (Well, it's difficult to express how happy I am for you over the Internet. :3 Then again, I can always say, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!! LET'S HAVE US A BIG PAR-TAY!". =DDDDDDD
    Speaking of Nottie, what could she be doing...? I want her back so we can chat! ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; I hope she didn't mean to say she'll be back on the 15th. ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~; ;~;
    And speaking of which, I gotta get started on this project I'm doing for a friend of mine! ^.^;;;).
    *Gets hit* Ugh, I don't feel so good, gon.
    *Uses antidote* I'm running out of antidotes here, so hurry up and Crunch that little fella!

    (This is the first time I've seen you on this early.)
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