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  • So... you defeated Mouse-inator, eh? Well, how 'bout this? *Brings out Cora (my cousin's dog)* Cora, sick Fruity!

    (Being enviousness is a part of my personality, I can't help it! -_-;;; It's just... I missed out on a lot of things when I was younger all because my family was low on money when they first arrived to Canada {yes, I'm Canadian}. Money is truly an evil thing...
    Wait, have you been convo-stalking me and Nottie? O.o)
    *lets go of wheel and jumps into backseat with Lassie*

    AAAAAAAA! :DDDDD *hugs*
    Wow... this is a really cramped car... *drives*

    OH MY GOD I CAN USE THE SIREN! :DDD *turns on siren*

    :DDDDD Dr. Cox!
    And then we'll give him cereal! :D

    Alrighty~ Let's drive~ *honks horn* :D

    (You have a cat? *Is feeling envious* {Meh, I sorta stopped reading your convo with Nottie 'cause I've been experiencing major slow downs every time I try to view it. I'm gonna get back to it, though... someday...})
    *Several mice appear out of the blue*
    What're you gonna do now, huh, missy?

    (Ooh, that sucks. One time at my cousin I found a mouse inside my shoe and I nearly fell over their dog. I was surprised at the sight and at least I didn't hurt their dog. :3)
    LASSIE! <333333 *glomps ten times* :D

    Haha... strange things in me... Now read her! *points dramatically* :3
    We need Shawn Spenstar and Gus Ttshowbiz here. :D

    (I loved that episode~)
    MONK! :D

    oh wait... I'd better not glomp him since he's a germophobe. D:
    MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are no match for the Mouse-inator and my trusty Cheese...inator!

    (I'm aware of that {Phobias thread; you can read mine if you want}. I just couldn't resist. Sorry if I somehow got you scared.)
    Alright then. Your new opponent is... the Mouse-inator! :P

    (Huh... cool. :D)
    YAY! I can add that to my nicknames list! :D Now it's Mercy, Matrix, Spaghetti, Milk, Moocho Grande, Moochy/Moochie, etc...

    yes, yes they are. :D *skips away*
    A new challenger has approached. Are you ready, Typh-chan?

    (That's good, even though I don't know the belt stages. All I know is that white belt is the lowest and black belt is the highest)
    Whoa, really? It looks orange to me. :D

    ... *giggles like a fangirl* 8DDD
    *Asylum doctors die*
    Some announcer: Fatality...

    (Oooooh, sorry 'bout the leg and possible respiratory problems. D: So, what WAS Tae Kwon Do like?)
    nooooo! don't get hurt!

    or wait.. you could get hurt, that means you could see House at the hospital! :D
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