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  • *Immune to flames* It's a good thing we prepared fire-proof vests! :) Come here, crazy girl.

    (Cool. Tae Kwon Do. Uh. what's it like? :D)
    Don't worry, whoever you are. I called some nice people for you to meet who have a huge needle and a strait jacket. =)

    (And you shouldn't unless it is entirely defensive on your part. ;D)
    O.o.... *Thinking* She's definitely a lunatic.

    (Oh. OH. OH! O_O The way you typed it up, it sounded as if you actually physically beat them. My bad. :P)
    Y-You can't be Zeus! Y...Y...YOU'RE JUST A RANDOMTYPHOON!

    (Uh, that's one habit you should definitely make an effort to get over).
    But... that's not possible! You're a girl for crying out loud! O_o

    (Uh, no. I'm just... oversensitive when it comes to these kinds of situations.
    You sweat and people throw stuff at you? WTF? O_o)
    *Sees ???? (Typh)* W...Who're you?

    (I either try to ignore it, too, but I end up failing; or I just hate the person back. The latter case is rare though 'cause I don't like to hate other people).
    *Wakes up* Ugh... where... am I? Who... am I? =S

    (How would you feel if somebody said the same thing to you?)
    ......Ow. *Faints*

    (Despite the fact I knew you were just kidding around, it still hurts to read that kind of message, you know?)
    A party!? And I wasn't invited!?
    Whatever, I'm still gonna crash it. And I'mma bringing a keg- no party is a party without the keg.

    ... And togas. *Shot*
    Hmm.... Well.. I guess the mustache makes up for it. They'll survive for today...

    Let's celebrate by playing Russian Roulette!
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