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  • Aw. Ok then =)
    We'd probably be the two odditys sitting at the back of the room.
    You hissing at me and me staring at you blankly unsure of what to do. XD
    *cocks her head to the side* Huh... Still, I'm either afriad of spiteful towards those whom I don't know. I mean, if somebody want to start up a conversation with me and they seem nice it's fine, but otherwise.. hisssssssss.

    Actualy, I probably would be scared of you if I knew you in real life, but had never gotten a chance to talk to you. ^.^;;;;;;;;;;;
    Because I get scared. o.o;;;;;;;
    Actualy, and don't take this the wrong way, When you told me you were [whatever it's suposed to be called because I just know I'm going to pick the wrong name] I had some mixed feelings.
    Eventualy though I told myself," So what? She's still Typh, nothing changed! It's not like just because she told me that, she's going to start calling me names or threatening to stab me. Get over it [Notory], nothing changed."
    And the rest is history.
    Again, pleasepleaseplease don't take this the wrong way. <:<
    Actualy, in real life I'm scared of hispanic/latino/spanish/whatever other names they have for it people.
    In school their really mean to me. It's hard not to be prejudice when most of the people of that race you've met absolutly hate you and make a point for you to know.
    Auuuuugh. >__<
    I also put in Pontius Pilate and the Romans from Life of Brian and the Spanish Inquisition from the sketch :3
    Everybody has an obsession. Presently, mine is to convo-stalk my friends on TCoD (mostly Nottie and Zolt) :P
    Well, be lucky 'cause every time I try to view your convo with Nottie, I experience a major slow down. -_- You're free to convo-stalk my convos, though; I don't mind. :P

    And if you mean Scyther, he's a guy who is currently obsessed with Nottie apparently. If you mean Chuck, all I know about him is that he serves ice cream.
    Oh yeah when I was covering antisemitism in the 19th century I snuck in a picture of Prince George ^o^
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