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  • I can't see the pic. D|
    It took me around thirty minutes or something to write. Revision took three.
    Who am I? That’s a good question, one that I myself have difficulty answering. Let’s start with some descriptive features; I’m a caucasian female with long dirty-blonde hair. My eyes change color all the time and I’m about average height for an elevan-year-old. I’m unnaturally skinny (Darn my metabolism), and slouch quite a lot. I have no siblings and barely ever see my cousins and relatives. These descriptions don’t really tell who I am though; they just allow you to judge me based on stereotypes and past occurrences with people who seem like me. Saddening, but fortunately I have two more paragraphs to prove your impressions right or wrong.
    The best word I would use to describe my personality is hidden. What you see on the outside has little chance of being the same as what’s going on in the inside. I live like a turtle, only coming out when it’s safe. Safe usually means being with people I trust like my parents and friends. When I’m truly myself I can get boisterous and loud, but my wit always seems to shine through (according to them anyways). I adore the sound of laughter, so I’m usually cracking jokes; unfortunately not everybody understands them, so I’m often left with silence.
    I love to draw. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I’ve been doodling and experimenting for years now and I’ve improved greatly. It feels so revitalizing to be able to envision something in my imagination, and then recreate it to where others can see it. Drawing helps me meet other people who also share my passion. Many of my friendships with people started with a common interest in art. Other than drawing I enjoy writing fictional short stories and playing video games.
    Ah. I thought it was just a Spanish thing.
    Anyway, Notory is now a rabid cow and I'm a matador with mad cow disease.
    One layed down in a puddle. He was a mess by the time he got home.
    I love living in a culdesac filled with friendly pooches. Do you know any great dogs?

    Notory and I are having a proper Spanish bullfight. Do they have those in Peru? Or indeed anywhere in South America?
    I was trying to keep the dogs away from the spot the tree would fall on. Their cute, but really dumb.
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