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  • I'm sure she will be okay. Remember where she is. :)
    As long as there are no German spies hanging around for Balders to cunningly flush out it's the best place she could be in her condition.
    Except silly people who should die in a fire. >:(
    D: It's just one thing after another really isn't it... hope she's back up and about soon :(
    :DDD T'book of General Ignorance came today! The foreword scared me for a second... it says "In 2009 QI will be moving to BBC. We regret that Stephen Fry will not be appearing in a leotard". I didn't read the last 3 words at first D: I was all nooooooo what's the point in living :(
    Pretty tired ^^ It's waaaaaay past Mikey's bedtime here in England. 3:38am in fact xD
    And I need to be up for work tomorrow. I should consider sleeping now :)
    Oh they are crossing MANY lines. I am proposing making an awful lot of important lifestyle changes here. xD
    At the same time? :D

    Come to think of it my actions would correspond to which side of the moral see-saw the going-out-with-Stephen-Fry idea presents I would go for. On the one hand I'd be rather less preferabloe to him than an earwig, but on the other I'D BE GOING OUT WITH STEPHEN FRY HOW FACE-EXPLODINGLY COOL WOULD THAT BE :D
    ...I don't know if it's just early and I don't realise my jokiness is stepping over the mark somewhat, or whether my British-comedy fixation has just finally crossed over to inappropriate levels. xD
    With an air guitar or with his funky funbags? xD

    As for me, I'd probably try to turn gay and steal him from his boyfriend, and failing that sacrifice myself to his awesomeness.
    Pity he's not playing with his funky funbags though. xD
    It'll probably be hard getting used to you not having a Balders avatar though xD
    Not when it comes to Hugh and Stephen :D Do you not consider them deities of uberawesomesauceness, m'colleague?

    D) a guy. (We grows moar, I think.)

    Never heard of Brits being taller o.O But you're right about the unscaryness ^^ *hugs back*

    (Btw, that was 5 foot 9 or 10 inches, not 5 foot nine-tenths of an inch.)
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