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  • Our smoothie/juice maker is broken D: The handle on the little tap came off. Anyway it's way too much of a pain to cleeeeeeeeeeeeeeean.
    Gahhhh, I've been trying to make a new Oddity issue for about 5 hours... so far I've placed one sprite. =(
    D: I want oooooooooooooooooooooone.
    Even though I don't really like mangoooooooooooooooooooooooes.
    As Wilson would say, "I'm on SPEEEEEEEEEEED!" (That is what happens when your House obsessed friend tries to get your Health group to do a project on Vicodin, fails thanks to stupid Health/PE teacher and then makes us do a project on Speed. Yay.)

    Yeah, during Gym on Tuesday my House-obsessed friend was mad because Kutner died.

    Then the next morning she was like, "But I kinda cheered up once I found out his actor just left to work at the White House." (Good God she's a Pokemon-obsessed adorable hyperactive ball of awesome insanity. She'd fit right in here! If she's not already on here, of course. ^^)
    Having a slight sugar rush due to Easter candy and Oreos. ^^ Also enjoying my new rystal hronicles: Echoes of Time game, even if evil archaeologist dude is eeeeeeeeeevil. (Sherlotta! Come back!)

    How are you?
    I would but it's almost 2am and I'm most definitely not meant to be on the Internet, so watching videos and thus making noise isn't the greatest idea.
    My dad started to play his guitar. We chatted for a bit.

    Me- So, what do you think we're having for dinner tonight?
    Dad- I think we're having.. The Wind Blows Mary. *begins playing a soulful guitar rift*
    Me- *giggles* No really.
    Dad- Oh, well Mom was talking about making.. Foxy Lady! *starts playing a different rift*

    He got confused so now he's searching for the song Foxy Lady. Yays, the sterio will be playing! ^.^
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