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  • *sails away in a ship* OH I SEE A SEAGULL!
    RIGHT THERE! *points at a seagulls reflection*
    *turns Notorys head upwards*
    The Tv is all freaky sometimes. It's nice that a silly song like that was used in Scrubs though. Vicodin.... Who else, but House? XD
    That depends. If you willingly paid me a million dollars to bite your head, I would. Because YOU paid me for it. ^.^
    If somebody else paid me though, I'd bite you, but not hard enough to hurt. :3
    Um...... Eh... Word fail me... Sorry, I don't know how to react to that....... Sounds bad though... I'm sorry... :<

    Why would I bite you?...... Unless you spread sugar all over your head theres little chance. :)
    I'm sorry that your dad died.... That sounds awful. He lived a nice long life though, right? :<

    Who do I ship.......... Who do I ship............ OH YEAH!
    You know in PMD2 how theres a Chatot and a wigglytuff? I ship them... :3
    What are their genders again?
    Aw D= But on one toe the anaesthetic didn't work and I felt everything =3 'Twas ouchie.
    No, they didn't. I'd recommend you don't try to guess. If you get it right you WILL be sorry, I promise you. xD
    My dad does that. Example...

    Dad- *farts*
    Dad- Huh? What? :3
    Me- grumble

    He does this on a regular basis. It's so annoying. XD
    In that case the word you're looking for is "why". xD
    And, er, you reeeeeally don't wanna know that. (I've also had toenails cut out under local anaesthetic if that counts =D)
    Well, I'll feel for you when it comes to that then ^^
    And if by "when fer you" you are inquiring when I was operated upon, it was about 7/8 years ago. Same year I got meh glasses I believe 8D
    YEAH! They should be asleep for long periods of time. You know, cause the puppy-ness should last... Or something, I dunno.
    *opens present* OH MY GOD IT'S HOUSE-PUPPY! *pulls him out of the box* Awww, he ate the lifetime supply of candy I got you.....
    ............................ Huh? OH YEAH! Okay, House may have a dog tail, but Cox has dog ears. Neat huh... |D

    Unless I completly misunderstood what you just said...... O.o
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