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  • Sorta.. I read it, but I don't like it much. It doesn't really have much of a storyline that I can follow, utterly boring. A friend recomened it so I'm reading it for her. She says she'll bite my head If I don't read it to "Breaking Dawn"
    Trapped in book hell. -__-
    I'd lure House-puppy to me with the stale bread as bait, then I'd force the leather collar around his neck while he chomped on the bread. I'd kill the Alien with the pickaxe and carry House-puppy to the hospital he works at. He would be the hospital pet and mascot. :3
    .............................. Oh, well yeah.... There's that or you could just be phychic....
    What else to chat about.........
    Gah, I fail at topics. -__-;;;;
    I draw avies on Photoshop/MSPaint so it's all on the computer. There are these little fill buckets in each of the programs so I just use those most of the time. They fill in an entire area with a certain color, it saves a lot of trouble. |)
    Do mostly use your scanner?
    That's because you need it as an avatar. 8D
    It's perfect avie material! Just look at it!
    Speaking of which, how is you House-as-a-Wartortle avie going?
    That was Wilson?......... Sorry, my ten-year-old-still-developing-brain has trouble remembering things. >.<;;;
    Yeah, and before that I was able to catch some Scrubs on comedy cental. Now I have a face to put on Cox and J.D. :3
    (I would clock you, but then I'd be a hypocrite. I talk about House a lot too. XD)

    Patient- Hey, why are you in my dream?
    House- I dunno, maybe you just like me.
    And before that...
    House- *right after the patient started praying silently* Hey, if you're praying in there, stop it.
    Hehe, and at the very end...
    Patient- G-God sent you...
    House- Suddenly you're not so fastinating.

    Good show, good show. :3

    *gives House some pain killers* Take two now and three later.
    *House swallows the entire cup* *sarcasticly* Oops.
    Eyup. ^.^
    I liked how for the begginging15 (give or take a few) minutes they showed it from the patients point of veiw. All blurry and such....
    Up... Down... Up... Down.... Who knew such machines like that existed?
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