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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • I already have an account there, but I don't really use it. It's a shared account with another person really. It's abandoned though.

    Oh I know how crazy fans can get~ I've seen pairings of EVERYTHING. Let me guess... Laverne X JD? OR Cox X JD? OR Janitor X JD? OR Turk X Janitor? I could list more, but not in the mood to think of any.
    Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about... a story that is just so detailed it seems like poetry. Eeee. I don't like stories like that.
    I haven't read Wicked... heard of it though.

    Sometimes I like deep description, other times it seems like too much information all at once.
    Wow... it actually sounds like something I'd like to read~ Sounds cool!

    My stories are just odd ramblings about the character's emotions, really. And how they feel. I'll go on and on and on about that for paragraphs and won't go on anything about the setting.

    Haven't posted any stories of mine on here~
    Don't forget though, it's earlier where you are than it is where I am. You've got a few extra hours to catch up.
    Cool enough that it doesn't scald you, hot enough so that it doesn't taste like total wee. I find the temperature just below tongue-burning point is best for maximum tea enjoyment.

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