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  • Well, I'm really a sort of Balders, Lord Percy, Blackadder, Melchett, George and Darling all rolled up into one. BEHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
    xD Nah, that's OK. I'm pretty much the Baldrick of this time period, excepting that I look absolutely nothing like Tony Robinson.
    :D Me too, kinda. Sometimes when a joke is made on a show I'll think "yeah, but that would have been better if-". xD

    I think Amazon has significantly worsened my obsession, and it was pretty bad to begin with. I now have easy access to all the comedy box sets I could ever want, and the only thing standing in my way is my weird phobia of going under £100 in my bank account. xD
    Actually just the individual series DVDs. Plus the movie boxset.

    I have way too many comedy boxsets. Currently I have the complete set of:
    Monty Python
    Fawlty Towers
    Little Britain
    One Foot In The Grave
    and Goodnight Sweetheart.

    I think I'm an addict. :3
    Hooray ^^ *sendage*

    Ooh, finally I've tracked down the Icelandic Honey Week sketch on YouTube~ Even though I do have it on DVD, like every other Python sketch, but whatever. xD
    Oh, you'd gouge my brains out and eat them the second I asked. xD Don't worry, I was kidding.

    He's a very good old man. Part of the Senile 9000 series. They're very, very crazy aged gents.

    (On a side note, perchance might I send you a friend request?)
    :O I'm listening to Every Sperm is Sacred right now.

    Being a British comedy addict I am of course partial to a bit of Python :D You have now surpassed awesome and gone straight into... I don't even know. I may be forced to ask you to marry me.

    Or instead you could have this old man.
    I am familiar with Blackadder ICT.

    And I misspelt it "freedom" in my last post when I mean "fweedom". But then you put Foxhound on the sticker and not Foxhog, so we're even :D *applies the sticker to his nose*

    So, are there any other British comedies you like, or does your epicness end here? :3
    Just came by to say, with the ABOFAL usertitle and now the Blackadder sigquote, I'm going to have to crown you one of the best people in the world.
    Less insane than me, probably. Actually, I'm pretty sure Evoli is pronounced like "ravioli" (the pasta) for want of a better way to explain it. Hey, actually I am the Evil Evoli! MWAHAHAHA!!
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