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  • Hmm... that's odd. It appears in both posts now. o_O Maybe it just didn't load.

    Well, hmm. It's not that bad, but it does need improvement. The fire should look a little more... spikey. Kinda like Cyndaquil's flames. I dunno, that's just how I draw it. It looks okay, but like I said, I think you should make a backup of the file, and then try to play around with the fire effects a bit until they look better.
    Well I was a member before, but that was before we had "thingies" in our accounts in which to post. xD Hmm I don't see it... did you get the link right?
    xD Don't worry, if you keep at it I'm sure you'll improve. =) I never used to be any good at drawing.

    Whoopsies, posted that in my own thingie again -_- Lol I gotta stop doing that
    Actually, you did mention you liked Lol cats in your introduction thread, right? (My memory is like an on/off switch).
    Ah... Never played that game but I've seen commercials and stuff. It looks cool. I should try it out sometime. xD
    Hey! Thanks for the welcome. =) Doin' just fine right now. Feeling a little happy I guess. xD How about you?
    I got Chilly apparently. :P
    ...Hmm, I'm running out of quizzes to search for...
    So what did you get from that long quiz? These were my results:

    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: Very High
    Antisocial: Moderate
    Borderline: Moderate
    Histrionic: Moderate
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Very High
    Dependent: High
    Obsessive-Compulsive: High

    And I'm not going to take some quiz that requires a membership profile to get the results.
    I actually did that while I babysat my cousin. Not the best idea I came up with (but then again, he's crazy by nature).
    It's not that bad; basically all you have to do is watch the kid and stop them from hurting themselves.
    At least you didn't have to babysit toddlers who sat on you and thought you were a pinata... XP
    I'm tired basically...
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