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  • And you're still disturbed by it.... *Sigh* Can't I ever talk about what I like for once? Then again, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, so let's just end it. *Double sigh* ;~;

    But I have to sleep anyway. =P Night, Poke.
    Oh, so THATS(apos.) what your (homonym decision) talking about. Frankly, I find it quite weird, but hey, everybody's different.
    To be honest, and not to sound like I'm picking on you or anything, I wanted to see how you would react if you knew I was a Poképhile. At first, I thought you would get disturbed because... well, do you remember when I mentioned that dream I had with the dog? You didn't want me to explain it, which somewhat made me sad. Truth be told, I wasn't actually dreaming of a dog in real life if you know what I mean...
    dont (apostrophe; contraction)
    Phew, that's all I wanted to hear! ^w^ Glad to hear that you don't care that I'm actually a Poképhile.
    I dont (apos.) think I read hte (spelling) right post. I just hit "find all posts by skroy horits".
    Sorry about typing errors, I type too fast. XD

    ^Whether you type too fast or not, you're still bound to make mistakes, which I'll correct hopefully. =P
    I told you to check the Clubs section of the forums, in a thread with the word, "MATURE" in it (check the second to last page of that specific thread). As you can see, I don't really like giving out direct answers, so you'll have to figure it out on your own.
    Wait, what do you meant (tense) by your orientation?

    ^From now on, I'll be correcting your messages as needed. This is because proofreading is highly essential in one of my classes in order to pass. If you find this annoying, then I'll stop.
    I thought you knew... or do you? Tell me, what kind of person is the other side of me like for real?
    So let me get this straight: you don't want to comment on my orientation? 'Cause I would really like to hear your opinion on it. (Don't ask, I'm weird).
    I don't even know what to get; I just randomly downloaded Soul Silver 'cause I wanted to try it. =P

    ...And that's pretty vague. In truth, I was asking for your opinion; I wanna know what you think since, well, I'm pretty paranoid you could say.
    Well, I'm already playing the Japanese version of Soul Silver.

    Anyway, I'm still asking, do you know about the other side of me?
    Check the Clubs section. I posted something there. I'll just say my post is in a "Mature" thread.
    I'd probably start there too, if just to get Charmander. I like Hoenn though, but i'm probably just biased becuase that's where i started off. Sinnoh is a little scary though, if one of the legendaries sneezez the whole region might just explode into: Nightmares/time warp/space warp/non existment/torn worldyness/
    Then there's heateran, who'll explode volcanos.
    i'll give you some of my luck if you'll give some of yours, lol.

    If you lived in the pokemon world, which region would you want to start off in?
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