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  • Ruby was my first game, so i still have the most time on it, about 400-500 hours i think. I still train a lot on it. I didn't know about turning it off and on again until i got a female.
    Once again, logic isn't Pokemon's best area.

    Besides, it's not like an eight year old would care, which the games are directed to.
    (ooh, her. Lucky.) I would use my Blazekin, TWEET, he's Lv 100, no cheats here, no Rare candies either, I spent hours beating the elite four with just him over and over again.
    Really? I think it's pretty cool. Sure i doesn't make a lot of sense, but logic isn't Pokemon's element.
    I have to say Mewtwo, i'm obsessed with him. Lugia is a close second though. After that it's Entai.
    If you had to play through a pokemon game with just one pokemon which would you choose?
    Exactly, then there's the fact that you had to pay to be able to use them. >_> Unless you have combee, but still, it's annoying.
    Check serebii, now ALL trees can be headbutted. I don't know if they're including honey trees though.
    Maybe they'll have both. Honestly i like headbutting things more than being late for getting my pokemon and having to wait hours more though.
    (Mines used too... My silver is dead though, about as useful as a game that can't save.. OH! wait!...)
    I have Qulava, Togetic, Scyther, Dragonair, Onix, and Lanturn.
    Yeah, i've been thinking about doing that too, but i want an umbreon soo bad. What was your team in gold?
    (you'll want to kill me, my gold still works... I play it all the time...)
    lol, i just asked for one.
    I'm getting Cyndaquil, i'm a fire type to the end. I don't know why, they just really appeal to me. Half of my favorites are fire type or dragon type.
    Have you started thinking about a team yet?
    Hi! Any chance you got some strong Lolcats?

    P.S> Im in a good mood because I have just managed to:
    1)get 2 Life orbs, one in plat. and one in diamond.
    2)Defeat the Battle factory geek in Platinum for the first time.

    P.S. All these in one hour plus i met some friends of my neighbours(only a 10 inch wall creates a, well, wall between our living rooms).
    Lol. And you? Good mood today?
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