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Recent content by Trinket

  1. Trinket

    Type Change

    TRUE..... I feel that way about Pincurchin too. It feels like they were trying to make a point, like the sea doesn't have to be full of just Water-types, but it feels less convincing when the second type slot is just left empty... If they didn't want them to be Water-type then I feel like...
  2. Trinket

    Type Change

    The Normal type is plain brown animals and weird amorphous blobs, and when they turned half of the latter camp into Fairies I think they should have finished the job. Lickitung? Fairy. Exploud? Fairy. Chansey? That's a Fairy and I don't care what it does to the metagame.
  3. Trinket

    The ultimate life form: [img]

    The ultimate life form:
  4. Trinket

    Is there anyone else still here?

    I still lurk intermittently. I keep thinking how nice it would be to get back into the swing of forumposting, what with the wider Internet being on fire and all, and then not getting around to it ehehe
  5. Trinket


  6. Trinket

    How many Pokémon can you name?

    I got sniped by this for an hour and got up to 958/1008, including all of Gen 1-4. I was missing:
  7. Trinket


  8. Trinket

    Oh, I just saw this, sorry! Done.

    Oh, I just saw this, sorry! Done.
  9. Trinket

    ASB database no longer working...

    Just saw these, I don't check the forums much lol. Validated both of you.
  10. Trinket


  11. Trinket


  12. Trinket

    Relaxing reffing requirements

    There's been a bit of talk in Telegram lately about (among other things) how much it sucks to milk an entire paragraph out of a Pokémon using Flamethrower, let alone three paragraphs for three Flamethrowers. So, I guess this is a thread for discussion about that? If anyone's around to discuss...
  13. Trinket

    ASB database no longer working...

    Yep, your account should be fixed now.
  14. Trinket

    Open Ultra Mystery Dungeon

    Pascal slinks into the foyer after most of the others have already gone through (he gives Gorm a cordial nod, but he's all too familiar with the capricious Wooloo; he keeps her in the corner of his eye) and approaches the counter. "Hello there, how are you two — I've got the er, usual...
  15. Trinket

    (Open) Ultra Mystery Dungeon

    Name: Pascal Species: Linoone Appearance: Mailman outfit, constant "deer in the headlights" expression (Deerling in the Beheeyem lights?), here is a drawing of him Personality/history: Pascal runs the mail route between Hubb Town and various smaller locales around the peninsula. He's your...
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